Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm Married!

The wedding is over! Kristen and I had such an amazing weekend. It was awesome to see all the family and friends and be able to visit with all the people. We had so much fun at our reception!

The weekend before the wedding my best man and brother of 27 years came into town for my bachelor party. We stayed in Kansas City Friday night and went out to Fuel. It was a good time. There were quite a few guys with us. Then Saturday we loaded up and headed to Perry lake to camp the rest of the weekend. We got out there and looked for a spot for a while. We ended up camping in the middle of a grass patch as far back in the State Park as we could. Thank goodness Christopher (brother-in-law) brought his big tent that we could all hide under for shade. It was quite toasty out in the sun. We got everything set up and played some games then went in to a sports bar to watch the K-State game. They lost. Then the rest of the weekend was pretty much the same. By Monday morning when we loaded up I was exhausted. I got to the house and did some stuff around there and then crashed for a while.

That week I wasn't much good at work. Tuesday I worked for about half the day and then went and met Kristen and James, Cayce, their girls and Mom for lunch. Wednesday I worked all day then had class (no fun at all!). Thursday I worked most of the day then Kristen and I had our last dance class!

Friday was just crazy since a lot of family had come into town. It was a lot of visiting. We had a huge lunch at Mi Ranchito after the girls went to the Nailery. Then more visiting. Then we had the rehearsal. That was crazy! I walk into the church and there are over 50 people there...most of which had a part in the wedding! We finally get the rehearsal started and get it ran through. Most things were still kind of fuzzy to me. The pastors seemed like they were having issues figuring out who was going to do what. That was funny. They asked me (thinking that I knew what they should do). :)

Then we went to the rehearsal dinner. Wow. That was a headache. I had booked a large portion of The Other Place and when I called on our way over there (we were running slightly late) the person that answered the phone didn't know about my reservation! I talked to someone else and they said that they double booked and they could get us the other side (smaller space). So nothing was set up when we got there and there was hardly any space. Once we got people situated and comfortable it turned out to be a GREAT night. It was so much fun. There were probably over 60 people there. I think most people had a good time.

After The Other Place we went back and Kristen had organized a surprise anniversary party for her parents at the house. When they got home there was as much of their family there as could be with balloons and decorations and a cake. I guess they were pretty surprised. Then I gathered everything I needed for the big day and went and stayed at Jason's house so I wouldn't see Kristen at all the day of the wedding until it 'was time'.

Saturday was mostly a blur to me. I woke up and had the (i guess 'normal') jitters. Drank some coffee and had a small breakfast and then went to the hotel a bit later. I dropped off the bag for Kristen and I and got our room keys. Then Jason, Clint and I went over to the church to get ready! People filtered in and we were getting ready. Chris Dillon worried me slightly as he was 'right on time' for pictures. Everything went good with pictures and then the big moment came when I saw Kristen in her dress. WOW! I still can see it perfectly in my mind. After that I don't remember a whole lot.

The wedding went swimmingly from what i can remember. It was very short. I was so nervous up there. I remember Kristen not looking at me for about 5 minutes because she would have started crying if she did. I hope they were tears of joy though. ;)

Then we had pictures. Wow. What an experience. The lady doing the pictures got on our nerves so bad! She seemed to not have much planned and didn't click along like she should have. We had a meeting or two with her so she can be ready but she didn't look like she was even going off of a list. Two or three times people came up to me asking if they should have been in any pictures or that somebody wasn't in one of the pictures that they were supposed to be. It was quite ridiculous. Then we all FINALLY got out of the church (after the next wedding was setting up) and got into the limo. We went to the hospital garden to take more pictures and the lady wasn't any better there. But hopefully we at least got some good pictures out of it.

Then we went to the reception and that was a blast! We had so much fun there. We were all introduced on our way in. Ron had the bridal party walk in pairs as he announced them. Then Kristen and I walked in last and I gave a less than desired speech thanking everybody for coming and helping out. Then the rest of the reception was filled with visiting and dancing and lots of pictures!

Kristen and I stayed in town Sunday and visited with family more while we could. We opened all of our gifts at our house and then drove to topeka for dinner with my family. We came back to Kansas City, packed and drove out to the airport to stay the night (at a hotel) because we had a 7:15 am flight the next day to Cancun!

The honeymoon was a lot of fun. We stayed at an all inclusive adults only resort south of Cancun close to Playa Del Carmen. I am so glad we did this. All of the food, drinks, snacks and room service were free. They had entertainment and we had a great time. We took excursions on Wednesday and Friday. Both ended up being Mayan temples. The first was Chichen Itza which was a 3.5 hour bus ride! We got free food and drinks on the bus though which helped a lot. Friday we stayed closer but it was still an all day trip. We got to do a zip-line through the jungle (only like 200 feet long though it seemed). We then got to repel into a Senote (sink-hole) and also do another zip-line into the water in the senote. After we all did this then we got to snorkel back into the caves of the senote. It was cool! I have been caving but never swimming in caves. The other days we just ate up and stayed by the pool and relaxed mostly.

When we got back it was busy busy. Tuesday we were running around all day and I came back to work and class on Wednesday. I am not sure what caused it but I got sick and was sick Thurs-Mon. I am mostly better now after a trip to the Urgent Care clinic Sunday to get meds.

Anyway, that was a long post with only a fraction of the information I had to share. Hopefully I can post some more soon and give more details.
