Monday, January 29, 2007



So it happened. Grandma and Grandpa's house caught fire. It is very sad. It was bound to happen. They have so much stuff in that house and it is so old. Reasons for the fire are speculation and I prefer not to make my thoughts public at this time.

My grandparents have so much stuff in their house that this was a tragedy for them. They save everything and so anything they lost is major. It is hard for me to empathize with them. I would be sad if I lost some of my stuff to a fire or for any other reason. But I don't save things like they do. They went through the depression and lived through times where they could barely find money to eat with. They kept everything because they may need to use it someday for any number of reasons. Maybe sell it or trade it for something they truly need.

The fire was pretty much contained in one room in the basement. They lost some furniture and some pictures of their parents and grandparents that they will never be able to get back. Grandma kept asking about her clothes in her closet. The closet is right behind the wall where the fire was. Everything in there is probably burnt.

I went to Wichita Saturday because I knew that they had been through a lot and it would help to have somebody there to keep them calm and talk to. They got moved into a hotel room for the time being and the cleaning company is going to come in and start taking stuff out to be cleaned.

We are all very fortunate that they were not injured in the fire. Grandpa was able to get Grandma out of the house and call 911. I thank God for that blessing. I also am very thankful that I was able to go be with them during this time.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

King Lear

Kristen and I went and saw King Lear at the UMKC Repertory Theater last night. It was my first Shakespeare experience. When it started I didn't understand a word they were saying but once I was able to pick up on some of the phrases and get used to the speech a little more it was amazing! I really enjoyed it.

It was such a powerful story. I really enjoyed the acting and the story was great. I think I will try to catch more Shakespeare plays if I can.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I asked Kristen to marry me on December 22, 2006. She said yes! Here is her version of how the proposal went.

It’s 2:00pm on Friday December 22nd, 2006. The door bell rings and there is a lady standing at the door stating, “I am here to pick you up, Scott sent me.” I was standing there in a little bit of shock because it was supposed to be Scott at the door at 2. So I get into the town car and she hands me my favorite drink from Starbucks along with a red rose with a note attached that states, “Off to pure relaxation you go. Someone loves you and wants you to know.” I was a little confused because I had no idea what we were doing or where we were going.

She then pulls the car up and lets me out at a day spa. As I arrive at the spa they hand me another red rose with a second note attached. This note says, “Let’s not forget your hands dear girl, for they could be the start of a whole new world.” I got changed and then got a manicure. When that was completed she handed me another red rose with a note attached, this one saying, “Your feet deserve pampering too, let’s go see what we can do!” They took me back and gave me a pedicure. It was wonderful the water was so warm! She did a ginger and milk heat wrap to my feet and hands! It made them so soft. She then handed me a red rose with a note attached stating, “We’ll top you off with a pampered extra. Let’s go see what wonder awaits you!” Next, she led me into another room and I could pick the oil that I wanted to have my massage with, I chose Coconut Vanilla. It was truly the most amazing massage that I have ever had. I was sad when it was over but very excited to see my next surprise! She then hands me a red rose that states, “This wonderful day has only begun. Remember that someone who wanted you to know? Shall we go and see who believes in your radiant glow?

I get changed and I met the driver inside the spa and we walk outside and there is this beautiful white limo parked outside the door with Scott in there waiting for me! It was absolutely incredible. I finally got to thank him for all that he had done for me! I got in the limo and he had made me two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and he had my favorite wine waiting for me! So I got to have peanut butter and wine for a snack, it was really great! We rode in the limo for a while and we just talked and had a beautiful ride! We ended up going to the ballet! We watched the Nutcracker! I hadn’t seen that since I was in grade school. We had great seats! When the ballet was over we got back into the limo and I got two more roses with a note attached, this one saying, “One last step and one more surprise. Off to a place full of lights to top off this beautiful night!”

We drove over to the plaza and stopped at the Melting Pot where we had our first Christmas date! Scott got us the same private room that we had last year! As I walked into the room it had 6 long stem red roses on the table with a bottle of Champagne and another present. I sat at the table and they closed the curtains. Scott put his coat up and we sat together and talked about the roses and how pretty they are and then Scott gave me a cross word puzzle to fill out. The puzzle had been questions related to the past year and a half, it consisted of things that we had done and the places that we had been. I was amazed that he remembered so many things. Scott then told me that he had been nervous all night (I hadn’t really noticed) because he had to ask me something…I think my heart fell out of my chest. He said some of the most amazing things and was so sweet and I just wanted to cry and tell him how much I loved him and how blessed I am that God brought us together. Then he asked, “Will you marry me?” I said YES in a heart-beat! He then laughed at me a little because he said that he hadn’t even shown me the ring yet. So he showed me the ring. Then he said that he wanted to do it right so he got down on one knee and told me how he thought I was wonderful and how much he loved me and then asked me to marry him. Of course I said YES!

She is amazing. She makes it so easy to these kinds of things for. I really enjoy doing this. I just wish I could do more!