Wednesday, December 12, 2007


What an amazing season it has been! Warm, cold, warm, cold. I am a person that likes to complain a lot. I will admit that. "It's too cold" or "People drive too slow when its icy". But I actually opened my eyes this morning on the way to work. As much trouble as the ice causes it truly is a beautiful sight. Look at the trees! They are so beautiful.

It is difficult sometime to appreciate God's magnificent power. Sometimes it is even confusing. I look at the ice in the trees and the rooftops and see a beautiful 'winter wonderland' but then I read the news and see that there were a whole bunch of deaths caused by slick roads.

Everyday we are surrounded by things that are beautiful but can be severely devastating. Take a look at a hurricane satellite image and tell me that it isn't a beautiful sight. What gets me is that even though it is so beautiful it can be devastating to so many people. Tornadoes are the same way. I find them mesmerizing but they can be so horrific to anything in its path.

I guess that is the mystery of it all.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Smith Development Services, LLC

I started my own company yesterday. I have weird feelings about it. On one end I feel really excited. It seems like an enormous step that I just took. I am running my own company! I have the responsibility of putting it on my taxes. Reporting income and taking care of all the write-offs. On the other hand, it doesn’t seem like it is that big of a deal to very many people. Anybody can start up their own company with just a couple hundred dollars. I won’t be aggressively seeking work contracts and am just using the company to separate the income I receive from working for Electrotank.

I really want this to be a good move for me but worry that I am getting ahead of myself. I currently am an employee of Codernauts, LLC and will probably switch over to a contract basis this December or January 1. There are lots of advantages and disadvantages to doing this. I worry a lot. If I switch over to contract then I can’t be considered an employee. What happens if I need to get a loan or my credit needs to be verified. I don’t know how that affects it at all. But, nothing will change with the amount of income I will receive. Well, not much anyway. I should get paid about 7% more to cover the amount that Mike is currently paying. He is also pulling money from my paycheck for taxes. I would see all that money and just have to pay those taxes at the end of the year.

So, basically that is where I stand on that. I do have my own company and will use it to some extent. With any luck my Masters classes will pay off and I can grow and start making more use of this company.