Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Great Progress

The last few months have been interesting. There has been a lot going on both in my life and the lives of people around me.

I took a summer class and am now taking a fall class at UMKC. This has been harder than ever before. Chloe is getting bigger and it makes it harder to do anything school or work related while I am watching her. This is ok though because it is so much fun watching her learn and grow.

Chloe has been learning so much. She has been speaking and is learning her animal sounds. She knows how to do several sign language signs and is running around like crazy. Some of the fun things lately have been her taking the tupperware out of the cabinet and 'organizing it' and putting it back. She is treating a lot of things like puzzles. She wants to put things together and take them apart again.

Along with the good things have been some bad as well. I have some family that have had job troubles and my grandpa has very advanced cancer. This is very bad news and we have been praying hard for everybody that needs help in our family. For my grandpa I pray that his pain is minimal and God will take him quickly and peacefully when his time has come. I pray for the rest of my family that they may understand that when he does pass that he is in a better place and we will see him again. The Lord has been good to him and he has many people around him that love and care about him.

I know this isn't a cheerful or very glamorous post but these are things that I feel that I needed to express. I wanted to get them out. I have a feeling that not many people will read this or be interested but this blog is a window into my life and these things are a big part of my life.

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