Monday, November 27, 2006


Its very hard sometimes to be thankful for the things that God has given us. Sometimes I see how much I don't have and get down on myself. It takes something like a holiday to get me back into the right perspective. I am by no means deprived of things that I need. I wish that I had more toys to play with or clothes to wear but when it comes down to it I am very well off.

I just wanted to take the opportunity in this post to say thank you for things that I have. I have a fantastic girlfriend, a warm and wonderful family and great friends. Thank You Lord.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Off to a wedding

Another friend is getting married. I am driving to Humboldt, Kansas today to go to Mitchell Kanaks wedding. I lost the invitation so i hope I spelled his last name right. I haven't seen Mitchell in years! Then Nick invited me to go to a Royal's game with him and Mitchell and his fiance. That spawned the whole wedding invitation thing. I am not sure if he would have invited me otherwise.

Oh well. I will get to see my closest friends again. Todd and Nick, Mitchell and some others that I lost contact with when I went off to college.

Good news! Nick is going to be starting school Monday! He is going to be in a crash course that lasts 6 months. They will get him all his necessary certifications to be a Network or Desktop Technician. Something like that. He made me very proud by taking this step. I can't wait to see how he does.

Ok. I'm out.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Another Day

So many days and not enough time. I have been working harder than I have in a long time. I look back though and it doesn't even compare to how hard a lot of people work. I don't know how people do it! I spent day after day working hard at work and now it is Friday and I am BEAT! I just want to sleep. I know that if I do sleep now I won't be able to sleep tonight.

I have been thinking about something I have heard a couple times in the last month now. That a majority of good leaders keep journals. I want to start doing that but I don't know how to begin. I guess keeping a blog is one way. But I feel it should be more personal than that. I feel that it should be something that I keep to myself. A place for me to put down my thoughts and not worry about people criticizing me. I guess i will keep contemplating.