Monday, August 06, 2007

Wedding, Wedding, Wedding

It's crazy that there are 32 days left until the wedding. Kristen has done such a beautiful job with everything. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. It's crazy to think that I am getting married! I Love Kristen with everything that I am. Its just an awesome feeling to know that in just over a month we will be husband and wife. Because of how crazy everything has been lately it hasn't really sunk in. I can't wait to share everything with Kristen again as my wife. The first Thanksgiving and the first Christmas. It feels like we get to start over as our own little baby family.

I think my excitement comes mostly from the fact that my parents split up when i was in sixth grade. I wholeheartedly love my mom and dad but ever since they split up I rarely felt like I had a complete family. I have gotten extremely close to my siblings over the last few years and that helps a lot. But when Kristen and I get married I get to start over. We get to have kids and we get to do things right where my parents faltered.

I am so happy that Kristen and I have the same beliefs about God too! My mom is Catholic and my dad wasn't a strong Christian and I think that really hurt them. Through our premarital counseling at the church and our Sunday school class, along with our church membership and the little that we have given our time to help others together has been such a rewarding experience. Its such a wonderful feeling to know that God has blessed us with each other and that He has his hand in our relationship.

Since its past my bedtime I better sign off and go to sleep.


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