Monday, October 01, 2007

Summer Colds

I am not certain what it is exactly that I have but it has been nagging at me for almost 2 weeks now. 2 days after Kristen and I got back from our honeymoon I came down with something I figured was a cold. I stayed home from work that Thursday and tried to sleep as much as I could then and Friday too. Then Saturday we traveled to Manhattan so I could show Kristen around campus and show her where I went to school and all that fun stuff. Then we stopped in Topeka to visit my brother and towards the end of the night I started getting a stomach pain. We left and I stopped by my sister's house to get Aero (my dog) and then headed home. My stomach continued to hurt. Sunday Kristen went to work and I stayed home trying to sleep off whatever I had. The stomach thing got worse and I ended up going to the urgent care clinic by my house. Three hours of waiting and the doctor didn't know why my stomach hurt. He gave me a prescription for the symptoms and sent me on my way. In any event I started feeling better the next morning and by Tuesday my stomach was alright (I stayed home Monday from work too).

I thought the whole thing was going away but it just kept nagging at me. It moved up into my head and I started coughing up a bunch of snot. I thought this was usually a good sign but I have been doing it for 4 days! This morning I went to work and felt like crap again. I 'toughed it out' which really means that I whined like a baby but dealt with it and stayed all day at work. After I got a little food in my stomach that felt better but I continue to cough like crazy. I stopped coughing up much so it is starting to hurt to cough.

I am sure you really wanted to read that but it is really a pain in the butt so I thought I would share. I will post another happy message next. :)


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