Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Over the last couple years I have made great strides to be a better person and a better christian. I have become a husband and a father and try to be the best of those I can. I have spent time with God and studied his word and learned a lot. I have been going to school and learning there. I have also changed jobs a few times and had a lot of opportunity to learn in that realm as well.

So what is this blog post about? I feel like my brain is going to explode. I am rarely able to ever just settle down and feel like there isn't something else to finish. I love to learn. I love to read and keep my mind fresh. When I finished college I stopped reading and learning much. I realize this because I just felt dumb. Once I went back to school I felt better. Then I started reading to learn rather than just to be entertained. Wow!

Now, I have books for work, books for school, books on how to raise a daughter and be a father, etc, etc. I don't feel like I can do give any one of those topics the attention it deserves because there is just so much that I don't know.

I learned this first at church. I thought that I had a lot of the God stuff figured out. The more I learned, however, the more it was apparent that I didn't know squat. As I started learning other stuff I realize that this is the same way. No matter how hard I work at something there is always so much more to learn.

I guess I am just griping today because I feel overwhelmed. I am supposed to be reading for class or preparing for our presentation. If I'm not doing that I should be reading a new book I got for work or catching up on some work to meet a deadline. I could even go get the book I have been wanting to catch up on about what's going on with Chloe now that she is 7 months old. But nah. I decide to write this instead. Helps me vent and get stuff straightened out in my head.

Sorry to be all whiney today. I feel utterly blessed to have a very supportive wife and a beautiful baby girl. I have everything I ever dreamed of having. I don't need anything else but I have such a hard time settling when it comes to how much knowledge I have.

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