Friday, May 18, 2007

2 weeks

I announced to my team today that I am leaving Argus. It was a tough thing to do but also made me realize that this truly is a good time for me to be leaving Argus. I have been in a support position here for months and I have pretty much transitioned all of my projects over to other people. Part of the reason I have been so bored here I guess. I suppose I was signing my own death warrant. The reason I was bored was because I was giving away work. I am leaving partially because I am bored and it is so easy to sneak out of here without too much knowledge transfer because I already transferred it all!

It was harder to announce the news to other people I work with such as the Business Analysts and Account Management people since those are the people that I had developed closer relationships with. They are the ones that I was giving the most support to.

With all that said, I am excited that God has given me this opportunity. I am now giving myself so many more doors to open. It will be a good move for me. I will get out and work for Mike some and then by the end of the year start my own company. This will allow me to do more stable business to business deals with Codernauts and then also give me the experience I need to run my own business for real. I am so excited about this!

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