Monday, September 18, 2006

Short Post

I don't have a lot of updates. The weekend was spent studying and sleeping. Kristen and I went to the airshow yesterday. It was interesting. We didn't have to pay because we sat on top of a parking garage across the interstate away from the airport. The airshow was held at the downtown airport so a ton of people staked in downtown on parking lots and a park on a hill. Nothing too exciting. They had one guy do a bunch of really cool tricks with his plane. They had some skydivers too!

Speaking of skydiving... Kristen and I are going again this weekend. They are having a boogie down at Freefall Express. We get to take the larger plane up to 15K feet. It should amount to about a 45 second freefall. I am excited! We are taking three new people with us too! Jason Whiteley, one of Kristen's coworkers (also named Kristen) and Jim Swanson. Jim is the husband of one of Kristen's coworkers. He is also a vet and helps run the kennel where i take aero to get groomed and when i have to go out of town.

This week will entail a lot of studying. I have to get a bunch of stuff done for our Organizational Field Study. Other than that it is just a regular old Monday. Yay for Mondays!

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