Monday, September 11, 2006

We're back

We had a great weekend. If I could quit damaging myself it would be much better. I had an infection in the end of my finger last week. It's nothing unusual. I have had several of them growing up. Usually i will just take a needle to it and everything will be fine. This time was different. I popped it on friday night and saturday I saw that the back of my hand above that finger was red. During the rest of saturday and sunday it swelled a very tiny bit but got sensitive. So I went to the doctor today and got some medicine for it. The doctor wasn't worried at all. He just said it was a bacterial infection. Should take a couple weeks to heal up though.

So that was one problem I had. The other was that I decided it would be fun to work out on Thursday. Little did i know that I would be VERY sore all weekend. My triceps and pecks were sore so I didn't sleep well at all. Keep in mind that this is the first time I have worked out at all with weights since april. Yeah, I was sore then too. Before April it had probably been a year or more. So I joined up with Kristen's gym and am now going to try and get in a routine and start easier than I did Thursday. I didn't think i pushed too hard then but apparently I did.

Enough of that!

The weekend was so peaceful and relaxing. Kristen took me and we got massages on saturday. It was the first time I had been and it was amazing. It lasted an hour and a half and time seemed to fly by. I figured i would be bored out of my mind but it was so relaxing (except for when she massaged my triceps!). We went horseback riding and was fortunate enough to go the same weekend they had their classic car show. There were hundreds and hundreds of classic and muscle cars there.

Here is a picture of the cabin we stayed in. It is down about 20 feet from the road elevation and nestled about 30 feet back in some trees. It was so peaceful there. We had a squirrel entertain us by eating from the birdfeeder outside the window and we saw a couple deer on Sunday morning.

Even with the 'injuries' it was a fantastic weekend. I am so blessed to have Kristen in my life.

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