Thursday, September 07, 2006


Question of the day...

How do you get team involvement or commitment?

I have been struggling at work because I am part of a team that doesn't act like a team. Is this the case in most organizations? I go into work, sit at my cube and do my work. I would absolutely love to be working with another person on the same piece of this project.

My current project has two main pieces to it. One person on one half and me on the other. There is a small section where our code comes together. There is one other person who goes to all the meetings but has no productive contributions. He gives good ideas and some decent suggestions but does not code on this project.

The rest of my team is working on many different projects and cohesion is a very complicated topic. Some people have a lot of small projects to work on and some have more complicated involved projects. Overall we are a very effective team but I believe efficiency is lacking.

School is the same way. I have started school again and this class is a team based class. We haven't gotten too far into our team project but so far the communication seems to be dominated by 3 of us. One person is new to the US and English is the 2nd language. She has been sitting back and trying to absorb as much as possible with few (but very good) contributions. The other person hasn't been heard from since our last class.

I guess nothing will be decided here. This will be a problem that will probably plague most teams for a long time to come. Rest assurred. If i think of any tips to help team cohesion then I will surely share.

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